VIDEO: Aroldis Chapman's Boxing Workout is Absolutely Terrifying

Aroldis Chapman appears to be gearing up for a heavyweight fight
Aroldis Chapman appears to be gearing up for a heavyweight fight /

With the amount of baseball activities a player like New York Yankees closer Aroldis Chapman can do limited due to the coronavirus pandemic, the fearsome lefty appears to be gearing up for a heavyweight title fight based on his Twitter activity. A shirtless Chapman was seen getting some pad work in, exhibiting a pretty quick and powerful punch.

You really do not want that left hook coming at you. Might boxing be in Chapman's future?

Chapman went viral early in the quarantine due to his unexpectedly jacked left arm. When you pair a left arm that looks more at home on a heavyweight fighter than an MLB pitcher with legs that look like steel girders, you can see why it's so easy for Chapman to rear back and fire pitches at over 100 miles per hour.

If baseball doesn't come back soon and Chapman continues to work on his body at this frightening rate, expect him to return to the mound looking like prime Mike Tyson. Now that will truly be an intimidating sight for hitters who dare to face off against him in the batter's box.